

My name is Patrick Walsh, I was born and raised in Wichita, KS and grew up with two very influential people in my life: my grandfathers. Russell Lohrey was a farmer, animal lover, barbed wire auctioneer, and animated character. He inspired me to learn the life of a farmer, but also to be creative. Richard ‘Dick’ Walsh was always working on his next DIY project. He once removed all nails from barn wood to reuse both wood and nails. He taught me the importance of always having something he enjoyed working on and not to be wasteful.

From our memories of Russell and Dick; my Dad and I created my business. Walsh Oak & Iron is a custom wood and metal shop. We started with pieces of farm equipment, turning them into lamps and hat stands. We have since grown to conference tables, classroom furniture and custom pieces for homes and office spaces. Our creativity continues to grow with each project.